Powerful and extensible user interfaces

Web User Interface

Annotated screenshot
tree object model


Outliners allow to explore the projects in a cascading way, showing assets along with tags, messages, tasks, files, editable attributes, and sub-elements to unfold.

Workflow management


These inferfaces provide real time overviews of current work, using colored progress bars showing the levels of completion, with different granularity levels for the entire projet, by departement or user.

Scripting Environment

Software Development Kit

Programmers and power users can customize and extend DAMAS using the provided Javascript programming interfaces and the scripting editor.

Video Playback

Video Playback

A video player allows users to publish and playback video files, as YouTube does. These movies could be animatics, animated shots, or an entire final movie with sound.

Web Interface

Web Interface

The cross platform Javascript (AJAX) interface provides multiple languages (english, french, vietnamese so far), color themes, to computers running majors web browsers.

More Screenshots

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interfaces Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3


The API allow developers to integrate damas-core into an existing digital creation content software such as Autodesk Maya or to build a new standalone interface from scratch.

Web user interface Python Qt under Autodesk Maya Firefox / Blender 1.Web interface, production: Mia. 2.Asset browser for Maya, production: Zazie. Courtesy of Cyber Group Studios. 3.Open asset in Blender

damas-core architecture A schematic of the architecture of the software - Connectable to many DCCs

PRIMCODE provides the distribution and the maintenance of generic web interfaces as well as custom interfaces development, interfaces hosting on the cloud, training and support.


+33 (0)6 86 78 65 89 (France)


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